
say goodbye to that tattoo.

rapid laser tattoo removal.

Leave your unwanted tattoos in the past.

It’s time to book in for your consultation with The Laser Doctor and remove your tattoo today. You no longer have to live with regrettable tattoos thanks to our scientifically advanced TRI-BEAM™ medical laser.

Before your appointment

Dr Alizadeh will assess your tattoo in an initial consult to ensure the best outcome for your skin.

To best prepare your tattoo for your treatment, we recommend doing these things beforehand:

  • Keep your tattoo out of the sun. We can't treat your tattoo if there's acute sun damage.

  • Apply a topical numbing cream an hour before your session. You can purchase these over-the-counter at your local pharmacy.

  • Avoid applying any lotions beforehand. We'll clean/sanitise the skin prior but this will ensure your skin is well-prepped before you come in.

  • Please don’t take ibuprofen or aspirin PRIOR to your appointment, this can cause excessive bruising! You may choose to take this afterwards.

  • And lastly, ask us any questions you may have beforehand. We're here to help!


How does the TRI-BEAM™ medical laser work?

Our Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser will shatter the ink into smaller particles, allowing your body's immune system to start clearing the pigment via your lymphatic system.


Our Signature Carbon Facial


Brow Tattoo Removal